10 qualities of a great leader


Are YOU a great leader???

Before I start, I want to empathize that not everyone posses the qualities of a great leader and THAT IS OKAY! Not everyone is meant to be a leader of a country or be the CEO of a company. However, each and everyone one of us is a leader in one way or another. If you are a parent, you are a leader of your children and are intrusted with a precious responsibility. If you manage a bookstore, you are a leader of those working for you. If you are in a position in your life where anyone at all might look up to you for guidance – YOU ARE A LEADER and should take such a position seriously. “Even without having a position of authority, one can be a leader, based on special skills and knowledge.”

10 qualities of a great leader

  1. Able to influence and inspire others
  2. A visionary
  3. Trustworthy and honest
  4. Organized and able to delegate tasks
  5. GREAT communicator
  6. Empathetic – sensitive to the needs of their followers
  7. Risk taker
  8. Highly motivated and able to encourage others
  9. Able to go with the flow and adapt to constant change
  10. Confident with a positive attitude

Those are just 10 of the many qualities that a great leader should posses. One other key aspect of a leader is that they should be personally involved with others inside and out of the organization they are leading. “A leader cannon lead without followers.” It is crucial for great leaders to be connected to those they are intrusted with leading!

The qualities listed above might not be how you would describe yourself or strengths that you possess and some people will naturally be better leaders than others. However, these traits can be cultivated if one has the desire and passion to do so!

“Good leaders produce important, positive change by providing vision, aligning people’s efforts with the organization’s direction, and keeping people focused on the mission and vision by motivating and inspiring them.”

What are some other qualities that you think a great leader should have?? Leave them in the comments below!!

Above quote by John Kotter

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